Respiratory HQ's Journey to Success

Respiratory HQ's Journey to Success

Hosted by: Tonya Piehl

The journey to becoming a successful respiratory therapist goes beyond textbooks! Each week, Tonya Piehl breaks down what it takes to successfully complete a respiratory therapy program, gain the RRT credential....

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P.A.C.E Yourself (Commitment)

In this episode, Tonya shares her favorite definition of commitment and suggests 5 different strategies to incorporate to help maintain commitment toward long term goals.
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P.A.C.E Yourself (Assessment)

Tonya continues the discussion on the importance of knowing how to PACE Yourself through RT school. This episode focuses on assessing relationships, downtime, and anxiety.
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P.A.C.E Yourself

In Episode 3, Tonya discusses the need to set an appropriate pace as the RT student transitions through their program. This pace will keep physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion at bay while maintaining important...
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Transitions & Transformations

In this episode, Tonya explains 4 phases through which RT students will transition. Key elements for success are discussed with each phase. From preparation, to visualization, to aligning with positive influences...
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A Brand New Journey

Embarking on the first journey of it's kind, Tonya Piehl welcomes the respiratory therapy community to Respiratory HQ's Journey to Success. In this episode Tonya reveals the purpose of Respiratory HQ, emphasizes the...
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