Respiratory HQ's Journey to Success

Respiratory HQ's Journey to Success

Hosted by: Tonya Piehl

The journey to becoming a successful respiratory therapist goes beyond textbooks! Each week, Tonya Piehl breaks down what it takes to successfully complete a respiratory therapy program, gain the RRT credential....

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Episode 17: Respiratory Care Interview Questions You Should Be Asking (Part I)

In this episode we discussĀ how the interview can be usedĀ to assess if the facility is a good fit forĀ the success of new respiratory care graduates.Ā  Included in this discussion: The interview is a two-way...
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Episode 16: Mental Health & Burnout

In this episode, Tonya talks about her personal experience with mental health and burnout.
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Episode 15: Self-Care Myths

In this episode, Jessica Britton talks about the importance of self-care. We will also be debunking several self-care myths. Myth #1:Ā Self-care is just for women Myth #2:Ā  Self-care is selfish Myth #3: Self-care is...
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Episode 14: Reset & Refocus

In this episode we discuss ways to reset and refocus on your goals of completing respiratory therapy school and gaining your RRT credentials. Discussion includes: ā€¢ Remembering your why ā€¢ Honoring yourself by looking...
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Episode 13: Comparing Yourself to Others

In this episode Jackie Betancourt gives insight to RT students about the hazard of comparisons. Topic discussed include: ā€¢ Comparison of grades and the importance of setting your own measure of success ā€¢ Importance of...
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Episode 12: Understanding Test Anxiety

In this episode, we will talk about understanding test anxiety and anxiety reduction strategies. Topics include: Two types of anxiety students can experience around test taking: anxiety from lack of test taking...
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Episode 11 "Frogs & Tomatoes"

In Episode 11, we talk about efficient workflow and time management strategies to include: ā€¢ Tackling your most dreaded task immediately to save stress throughout your day ā€¢ Explaining the Pomodoro technique ā€¢ The...
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Episode 10: Study Strategies Summary

This episode summarizes the personal and group study strategies found successful by students from across the US and abroad.
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Study Skills with Caitlyn and Stacy

In this episode, guest speakers and 2nd year students, Caitlyn Heistermann and Stacey Sampley share their expertise and advice for studying in respiratory therapy school. Topics in this podcast include: ā€¢...
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Study Skills with Scarlett Luis

In this episode, guest speaker and 2nd year student,Ā Scarlett Luis shares her expertise and advice for studying inĀ respiratory therapy school.Ā  Topics in this podcast include: Developing new study skills...
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Study Skills with Kiesha Parker

In this episode, guest speaker and 2nd year student, Kiesha Parker shares her expertise and advice for studying inĀ respiratory therapy school.Ā  Topics in this podcast include: Completing lesson objectives as a...
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P.A.C.E. Yourself (Energy)

Episode 6 completes the PACE yourself series. In this episode Tonya discusses 5 ways to maintain and recharge energy levels. Importance of a healthy diet, regular eating habits, and adequate hydration to maintain...
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