Respiratory Review Workshops

You've successfully completed your respiratory therapy program, now it's time to tackle the NBRC exams!

The HQ Recommendation

A comprehensive review is ESSENTIAL for passing the TMC and CSE exams on the FIRST attempt.  You need a trusted company that has experience in the content and experience in taking the real exams. 

Gary Persing's Respiratory Review Workshops meets and exceeds those requirements. I implemented his workshop in 2004 for the students in my program and saw an increase in program pass rates. He continues to teach his workshop to my students each year just prior to graduation. 

In 2012, I joined his company, as an independent contractor, and have been teaching these two day workshops for the past 10 years. We are a unique company in that we are professional educators having taught in accredited respiratory therapy programs. We will organized content efficiently as per the NBRC matrix, teach you to test with accuracy, but also show how the content is applicable to clinical practice.   

Give us a try! We would love to help you succeed in becoming an RRT! 



Just for YOU!

Respiratory Review Workshops has reserved special dates for Respiratory HQ members.  Seats are limited. Sign up today!


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