Episode 59: Suctioning
T. Piehl lecture notes to correspond with NBRC Detailed Content Outline 2020. New episode will be produced in 2026 with next Detailed Content Outline. Suctioning is a technique used to clear airway obstructions caused by retained secretions or foreign materials. It is indicated when retained secretions lead to increased breathing effort, hypoxemia, or visible secretions and should be performed with caution in mechanically ventilated patients. Contraindications are relative, with the need to maintain a patent airway outweighing potential adverse reactions, though absolute contraindications exist for nasopharyngeal suctioning.Potential complications include atelectasis, hypoxia, tissue trauma, and infection, necessitating careful monitoring of patient vitals.The process involves assessing the patient, assembling equipment, hyperoxygenating, inserting the catheter, applying suction for no more than 15 seconds, reoxygenating, and reassessing the patient. Proper technique includes selecting the right catheter size and suction pressure to minimize risks and ensure effective secretion removal.